IMPORTANT: Limited Availability - We have very limited appointment availability - Please call the office on 0403 868 403 or email to enquire about openings or to be placed on the cancellation list. Thank you!
Children and Teenager Counselling
Get the Most out of Life
Children and teens sometimes have difficulty expressing themselves or explaining their worries, fears and anxieties. Challenging behaviour, thoughts and feelings may result. Other children and teenagers may have differing complex needs, disabilities, and disorders - ASD, ADHD, ODD etc. or have experienced trauma, family separation, grief and loss, stress, depression, or bullying that may require additional support and therapeutic intervention.
Parents and caregivers may also benefit from counselling, support and understanding of the complex needs, stresses and demands of parenting children and teenagers.
Psych'd provide a range of humanistic and behavioural therapeutic interventions such as play therapy, art therapy, sand tray, music therapy, walk and talk therapy and CBT to assist in being able to work through stressors and to assist in communicating and engaging in a positive and meaningful way.